or {adj.} [ Biology ] Dícese of the chemical substances able to destroy certain alive organisms,
like the pesticidas and herbicidas ( aground ).
{f.} | therapeutics.
u (Of the gr.. qerapeutikhV, feminine completion of -koV, ' terapéuticó); sust. f.
1. [ Medicine ] Part of the HUMAN medicine, ANIMAL, VEGETABLE that takes care of the rules and remedies
adapted for the treatment of the diseases en special onto land from water( like aground), besides
of the chemical substances able to destroy certain alive organisms, like the pesticidas and herbicidas.
2. [ Medicine ] Treatment of a disease: let us hope that it responds the therapeutic one positively
Therapeutic occupational. The one that persecutes the treatment and recovery of the patient through a process of readjustment
to the actions and movements of the daily life.
Diagnosis, treatment, treatment, prescription
Ousting, abandonment, eutanasia.
& [ Psychology
] Therapy.
The psychological therapy talks about to all those techniques and professional activities dedicated to solve human
problems and of the animals, that enable the individuals to discover and to develop their maximum potential.
As a rule, their medical instructors (psychologists, counselors, veterinarians ) help their clients to face the
challenges and problems of the daily life of personal, familiar, social, educative type, of mental, professional health, etc.
Its center of attention is the call normal human development and help people of any age, culture and physical
conditioning to reach the maximum potential in its lives, their education and its races. Also they help to individuals and
families to confront physical diseases, death, divorce and readjustments of educative and professional type. Also, they work
with clients who need aid to improve their personal condition. Thus, they help to people with familiar drug problems, conflicts,
suicide, depression, criminal conduct, sexual anxiety, upheavals, nutritious imbalances and labor problems. A reduced number
more of psychologists works with more serious psicopatologías and diagnosticables mental disorders, as they can be patient
with mental and emotional imbalances in hospitals and jails. The preoccupation of these psychologists, then, is the one to
facilitate a normal and optimal development of the person. The potentials culture of and capacity are worried as much in,
like in the correction of problems and deficiencies. These psychologists work from a great variety of perspective teóricas.En
the case of animals màs reefiere to treatments on injuries, blows, and cirugìa.
The biomedical model is centered in the biological causes of the mental disorders; the psicodinámica approach approaches
the conflicts of unconscious anxiety; the conductista analyzes the paper of experiences and negative models of learning; and
the theories of systems consider the context social in which the problems arise. Be as it is his direction, the psychologists
use a series of basic techniques of therapy in their interviews and sessions with the patients.
or {adj. and s.} That it serves to kill the insects.
& [ Chemical ]
Chemical substances that exert a lethal action on the insects, being used, for that reason in the control of injurious
species for the cultivated plants and, directly or indirectly, the human being and the animals.
The insecticides can be classified of very diverse ways, like, for example, by their chemical base, its toxicológica
action or its way of penetration in the insect. To classify insecticides by mechanism physiological of his performance is
only exact when insect studies single or groups compatible of such, in such a way that not classification will be able to
make by his performance physiological, since this mechanism is extremely variable forehead to the great diversity of insects
and phases of its development that almost never is unique, but multiple. In addition, its quantitative value in front of experiences
great differences the diverse insects. The classification that is going away here to make will consider if the effects have
been demonstrated after an ingestion, a contact or an inhalation. Most of organic insecticides they penetrate of anyone of
the forms before enunciated, although they are those that better are distinguished by their chemical base.
Insecticides by ingestion.
This type of insecticide only acts if it is ingested by the mouth of the insect that feeds itself on weaves of the
plants on which the insecticide in fine and adherent form has dispersed, or those to which it has been made them absorb the
compound toxic. They are indicated for adapted insects provided with jaw to the mastication. The derivatives of arsenic, sulfur,
the cyanide, mercury and phosphorus are representing of this type of insecticides. They are gradually being replaced by the
organic insecticides, which are less detrimental for the man and other animals.
Insecticides by contact.
Those are called thus that exert their insecticide action by means of the direct bonding with the insect to eliminate.
Generally, this type of insecticide is scattered by the surface of the leaves in which the insects settle to absorb the juice
of the plant. The toxic effect that takes to the elimination of the insect can be very diverse; a oleosa emulsion, with helping
a changing one of the superficial tension (it see in the voice tension), projected on an insect, can kill it by asphyxia, without no toxic process takes part; it can can penetrate
by traqueal route and also cause the death by poisoning to neuromuscular; and if it is impregnated, it can kill by dehydration.
Other insecticides by contact, like the DDT,
penetrate in the organism of the insect through their tegumentos, and in the alive weave of the animal by specific toxic combinations,
causing their death. The sucking insects, provided with tubes whereupon to hurt the nerves and weaves of the plants, cannot
be intoxicated by contact insecticides.
The insecticides by contact can be divided in two great groups: natural and organosintéticos. Between first they are possible
to be emphasized the nicotine, obtained of the plant of the tobacco, the piretinas, obtained of a particular type of crisantemos,
and oils derived from petroleum. Some of the active principles responsible for the insecticide action of these products have
been synthesized in laboratory. This type of insecticides presents/displays the particularitity of not remaining active too
much time, with which they will not be most appropriate for prolonged plagues.
The insecticides by contact of organosintético origin are those that at the present time are used in greater proportion,
due to the rapidity with which they penetrate in the insect and to the great fan of species to which they fight. The main
group of this type of insecticide conforms the derivatives of chlorinated hydrocarbons, organic phosphates and carbamates.
Most of them they are very stable in the time and its insecticide action lasts during great periods of time, with which they
are most appropriate for lasting plagues, to which it disturbs the nervous system strongly. The derivatives of chlorinated
hydrocarbons began to use after the proven effectiveness of the DDT, developed in the Forties. Nevertheless, at the present
time they are most versatile the organofosforados insecticides and those than therefore are used with more frequency. They
are most effective against the sucking insects of the juice of the plants. The insecticide action obtains when scattering
product in the surface of the leaves, or applying insecticide solutions to the ground, with which the insecticide will penetrate
in the plant through the roots. Those earth whose tolerance to insecticides is limited that these have little residual action,
are the propitious ones for the use, in them, of this type of insecticides. The organofosforados insecticides along with the
carbamato (insecticide organic relatively modern) present/display a degree of toxicity greater than chlorinated hydrocarbons,
being their form to act enough similar: they produce the inhibition of an essential enzyme for the nervous system.
The use of this type of organic insecticides has increased the production of considerable form in all the regions of the
globe, to the power to make a much more exhaustive control of plagues. They have as well allowed to control of much more efficient
form carrying insects of infectocontagiosas diseases, such as the one of the malaria, the yellow fever and the typhus.
Respiratory insecticides.
They correspond to the employees in fumigation. By mixture with the air, they also create toxic atmospheres in which,
according to it is the concentration, not only succumbs the insect, but all the sensible insects to the toxic diluted in the
air. Their main representatives are: anhídrido sulfuroso, acid hydrocyanic and ethylene oxide.
Also he has, from the point of view of the physiological action, insectífugos products, whose mission is to repel the insects
of its proximities. In general, they are not toxic or its toxicity is small, although they present/display the disadvantage
that its scent is strong and tenacious for the human sense of smell.
The characteristics and degree of toxicity of insecticides can be deduced of the experiments with animals witnesses.
The main indications are:
- parenteral, intravenous, subcutaneous or intramuscular Toxicity acute, that shows the effect produced by the administration
of a dose of the product by oral route.
- subcutaneous or cumulative Toxicity, that determines the effect of the repeated administration of the product in sublethal
daily doses, during some time.
- chronic Toxicity, originated when extending the experiment of subacute toxicity during one or two years, deepening the
farmacológicas and histo-anatomopatológicas investigations and extending the investigation to controls on the cancerigenic
power of the product and the determination of the effects of the same one in the reproduction of the animals.
- skin or precutaneous Toxicity, that measures the toxicity of the substance applied on the skin of the animals.
- skin Irritability and of the mucous, that tend to clarify the reactions of allergic type.
- Toxicity inhalatoria, that measures the toxicity of the product provided through the respiratory routes.
The acute toxicity of insecticides varies within very ample limits. The products equipped with greater acute toxicity preferredly
are between phosphoric organic insecticides and the chlorinated cíciclos. The chronic toxicity is a characteristic of orgánicoclorados,
aromatic and cyclical insecticides, with the exception of few, like methoxicloro. The phosphoric organic insecticides, the
carbámicos and those of vegetal origin do not give rise to phenomena of chronic toxicity, becoming inactive more or less quickly
and being expelled.
In certain cases, the relation between the toxicity of insecticides for the animals of hot blood and the toxicity of such
presents/displays great interest in relation to the insects. In fact, when the product is lethal for some species of insects
and inoffensive for the animals of hot blood, it is possible to use the insecticide of an unusual way, administering it to
bovines, ovines or other mammals directly by oral route or injection, in order to obtain in the blood lethal concentrations
for the species of insects that feed themselves on her or which they are developed in the meats of these animals. The insecticides
equipped with such property denominate "zoosistémicos".
The insecticides, so that in the substrata that are tried to protect they constitute active deposits and they develop
to his Maxima effectiveness without producing damage, must be diluted in the suitable proportion. For it, the products are
put under formulation, so and as they are obtained industrially, mixing them and diluting them with auxiliary substances like
dissolvents and extenders. This way different types from product-formula are obtained. These products are diluted in water
at the moment of their use, although diverse product-formulas exist (the poisoned aerosols and, of general way, baits) that,
due to his low poison concentration, they do not require of his water dissolution.
Although it is not necessary to doubt the benefits derived from the insecticide use in the control of plagues and
in the improvement in the yield of the fields, the nonselective use and in great amounts of insecticides it has brought with
himself the appearance of a series of serious problems. Most serious of all of them he is the one that can pronounce in the
ecosystem, because, when introducing modifications that lead to the practical disappearance of certain insects, it for sure
does not know the effects that on other insects and animals can carry, either of direct form, by its exhibition to the product,
or of indirect form, when modifying itself the nutritional chain. A diminution in the population of prey birds has been observed,
such as eagles or hawks, in regions exposed to great amounts of DDT (organ-chlorinated compound), demonstrating that all the
nutritional chain can be seen affected. It is possible that the insecticide concentration is so that disables, by certain
periods of time, the as much human life as animal (is had documented many cases of envenenamiento of humans by insecticides).
Although part of the used insecticide can be metabolizado by the animals that ingest it, will always be left other than it
remains in the ground or atmosphere, that, even, could get to contaminate underground waters. In fact, many birds and mammalian
savages with great amounts of DDT in their organism have been found. The use of the DDT began to restrict itself in the decade
of the Sixties. A decade later many countries would prohibit their use.
Another important problem provoked with the massive insecticide use is the relative one to the tendency presented/displayed
by certain insects to resist the action of these. Certain insects of a population, when they offer this resistance, are multiplied
quickly, being able to get to be the most numerous group of the colony. It is then when the insecticide will not present/display
injurious effect some on the insect. It is also probable that if has developed a resistance to a particular type of insecticide,
also the action of some other resists that has a form to act similar.
The reality of these problems has caused that many agriculturists practice what ecological agriculture or biological control
is known like, where is minimum or null the use of organic insecticides and in which the insecticide action is carried out
by other animals, in whose diet are the insects to eliminate.
Control of plagues.
All a series of interventions in the medio.ambiente is understood by control of plagues directed to make disappear
or to at least reduce the effects of the plagues of insects in the agricultural production. Also part of the control of plagues
will be considered the fight against the bad grass and any other pathogenic element that can affect the plants. The procedures
used for such control incorporate a series of mechanisms that include physical procedures as biological and chemical as much,
emphasizing between all of them organic chemical insecticides.
Historical references.
Ever since the man practiced of conscious form seedtime and the consequent harvesting of the fruit, plagues and
diseases have existed that made lose partly, when not everything, the harvest. The search on the part of the man of remedies
against this type of infortunios is therefore as old as same agriculture. The first made effective control against the plagues
was based on the selection for seedtime only of the most resistant specimens, action than it could be fitted within the biological
control of plagues. Nevertheless, the scientific study of the problem did not begin to carry out until centuries XVII and
XVIII. Later, in the middle of century XIX, it was managed to control the plague that invaded the European vitivinícolas cultures
with the use of chemical agents. The plague had been concerned from America and brought Europe; when not inhabiting in the
old continent his natural enemies, one extended mainly without no impediment Europe. The plague managed to stop using sulfur
dusts. The inverse case also occurred, when causing an insect of European origin a plague of cultures to the other side of
the Atlantic. By these same dates also the news of another plague were had that devastated the potato cultures, and although
it had appeared in Ireland in 1845, quickly it affected cultures of all Europe and America.
The scientist Jonh Curtis wrote the first book on the plagues of insects in farms, moved by the economic impact that these
produced in those farms that were contaminated with some plague. When the first colonos arrived at the region of Colorado,
in North America, and planted the potato, they were with escarabajo that it ruined all the harvest. Was not remedy, or only
he was it partial, until to an American entomólogo it was happened to dissolve certain compound chemistries to him (calcium
and derivatives of arsenic) in water and to scatter it by the leaf of the culture. According to it was passing the time other
many insecticides were being developed, using for it insecticide products with natural components such as the nicotine, petroleum
and the piretinas. In the years passed from end of century XIX to first of century XX, products saw the light numerous that
increased the possibilities of fighting successfully against many types of plague.
The definitive jump in the study and insecticide wine design to occur in 1942 when Paul Hermann Müller, investigator of Swiss nationality, discovered the properties
of a organoclorado artificial compound, the DDT or dicloro difenil tricloroetano, composed that is obtained by chlorine condensation
with monoclorobenzeno in the presence of sulfuric acid. These investigations were worth to their discoverer the Nobel prize to him of medicine and physiology in 1948. From the moment of their discovery insecticide properties much greater
were observed in this compound than any other previous product. This it was not nothing else going to be that first of a series
of new orgáno-clorofosforados compounds. During a series of years it seems that it was arrived at the belief to be able to
develop any insecticide compound that made lack, but only was during years. At the beginning of the Fifties were certain insects
that offered an unusual resistance to this type of organic insecticides type DDT. In addition, the excessive amount of DDT
also used could make disappear to the enemies and natural diseases of the insect, reason why those that resisted it had many
now more possibilities of growth.
Biological control of plagues.
By biological control of plagues the use is understood of alive organisms in tasks of control of plagues. The problem
consists of the search of a natural enemy of the insect to fight, as a predator, parasite or disease. Once found, it will
be scattered by all the zone to protect. If the means are not to him adverse it will be able to be multiplied and to make
an effective control of plagues. As example of biological control can be mentioned the one that was carried out to limit the
increase of individuals in the increasing community of European rabbits in Australia, introducing the virus of the mixomatosis.
Actually the cases are many in which an effective fight against the plagues with this type of biological control is carried
out, helped by genetic engineering, implanting in the genetic material of the plants resistance genes which they in front
of multiply the natural resistance of the cultures the diseases and insects. Another form to use genetic engineering for the
control of plagues has been the creation or modification of some other virus whose objective is the insects of the plague
to fight. Obtained this one it will be scattered by fumigation on the culture. The virus artificial and genetically modified
is designed to be innocuous other insects, and to disappear when the attacked insect has been eliminated, to the being the
this one last only animal in which it can reside. Many examples of the use of virus, fungi or protozoos for a selective control
of plagues exist.
or {m.} Any chemical agent that destroys the grass or prevents them to be multiplied.
{adj.} | fungicidal.
{m.} | fungicide
or {m.} Product destined to kill fungi.
& Any substance
or chemical agent that kills or inhibits the growth of the fungi.
The fungi are microscopic, filamentous
and lacking organisms of chlorophyll, that
can be parasitic, saprófitos or simbiontes (to see symbiosis). The fungi can be detrimental for the plants, the animals and the man, and the diseases that produce
denominate micosis. They are the greater causes
of diseases in the plants and can be ectoparásitos, when they are developed in the outside of the plant, like oidio, or endoparásitos,
when they live inside the plant, like mildíu.
Perhaps for that reason, the greater industrial development corresponds to the agricultural fungicidas. These are specially
effective when the fungus is in germinativa phase, since the esporas are very sensible to the chemical compound action. (Plants See: Plagues and diseases).
The oldest fungicidas are inorganic compounds that correspond to a mixture of lime and sulfur, and to the copper oxychloride.
Others are organic and correspond to the salts of iron and zinc of dimetilditiocarbámico acid, used enough towards year 1950.
The mercuric compounds are very good fungicidas but also they are very toxic for the man, reason why they have fallen in disuse.
The hipoclorito solutions very are used in
swimming pools and cooled heat exchangers with water. In general, the organoclorados compounds, like the hexaclorobenceno
and triclorofenol, also have been very used in the culture fields. Some antibiotics also can be used like fungicidas, such
as cicloheximida for the spots of the leaves of the cherry tree or the estreptomicina for the blue mould of the tobacco. It is necessary to consider, however, that commercial the intensive
culture with chemical fungicidas has brought like consequence a series of negative effects on the Earth and the quality of
the fruits, mainly referred the fruit trees. For that reason, these compounds must fulfill severe conditions and for happening
through numerous tests before their application.
In the field of the medicine, diseases exist as the tineas, the foot of athlete, the peniciliosis,
etc. and exist numerous treatments, although some fungi are very difficult to fight and require medical treatments very specific
and, sometimes, very drastic.